I have been using facebook for almost two years now and I started to notice that facebook keeps on getting populated with fake profiles. With all the security issues facebook users face nowadays fake facebook profiles have become the source where misuse of facebook originates and where malware is being distributed.
Experts say that 40% of facebook profiles are not legitimate (source:
Lauren Gerber - pc1news.com). Probable security issues arising via fake profiles are,
- Spam
- Virus writers can proceed to persuade users to click on malicious links
It is very hard to figure out the authenticity of a profile unless you know the owner of the profile in person. Sometimes we like to add celebrities as friends. But you should be cautious as not all celebrity profiles are managed by the celebrity itself. Fake profiles I found on facebook so far,
Please be kind enough to contribute to the list for the sake of genuine facebook users. You can post your link/fake profile name as a comment of this post. I’m not going against fake facebook profiles. Once a wise man told me that it will not be interesting or thrilling if there is no risk, so that is why I thought of writing this post instead of reporting the fake profiles I found to facebook.
one of the fake profiles i have come across:
Rasika Surangani
Nade Amalka
Koushila Ranasingha
Shalini FeRnando
The profile Sheron Perera no longer exists. The creator has removed it probably.
Hey Mr. useful,
Show some love bro. Every one can understand those profiles are not managed by individuals themselves. I don't think fake profiles are illegal. If so please update me. They are just another way of collecting people who have common interests together and sharing the stuff they value ;-)
Kalpana Gamage
Nethmi Malisha Fernando
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